swisscontact,4 McGRAW Hill,3 DSE,2 Wiley,2 Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc,2 D. B. Taraporevela Sons & CO. Private LTD.,2 Asian Publishers,2 Departemen of Machine Tool Technology,1 Swiss - ITB,1 Department of Machine Tool Technology1 Wiley Student Edition,1 Chandigarh,1 Tata Mc Graw Hill Edition,1 Tata Mc Graw Hill new delhi,1 Indo Swiss Training Centre (CSIO) Die and Mould Making Section Chandigarh (India),1 Eurasia Publishing House (Pvt) LTD.,1 John Wiley & Sons Inc.,1 Wiley EasTern Limited,1 OXFORD & IBH PUBLISHING CO.,1 Prentice Hall of India,1